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November 14, 2011

Send Email to People in Address Book

Sending Invitation to People for an Event is easy with this script.. download the script from Link

In the address Book
Make a Smart Group to whom you want to send Invitation "SendInviteTo" or use your regular Mailing Group
Make a Group 
"Registration Received", -- add the contact that have registered
"Not Interested", "Black List"  -- add contact who do not wish to register
"Not Interested", "Black List"  -- add contact to whom you do not want to send the invite
"Not for these Company"  -- add Contact with the company Name ( just One will do )

Create a new Message with Subject, CC & BCC as require, add body of the message ( do not add Dear or Hi) and then close the message by saving, check in your draft box for the email..

Filter Your Address Book on Mac Apple

On 14-Nov-2011, at 1:12 PM, TSK Gmail wrote:

Attached link to script which filter the Address Book and creates Groups as follows for you to manually clean the mess.. 

Yes the script will not do any delete or modify the data, its just sort the address book for you and you can easy do manual corrections..

October 29, 2011

How to Get Prefect Images from MOBOTIX Color Camera

With the advance API you can get B/W images from Mobotix Color Camera, Here is the link to the guide to make these camera provide images at < 1 Lux

Please download the same and provide me your feedback

Configuration Files of the Camera:

May 13, 2011

How to resolve issue with WIN and Crash

I have noticed that although we are installing software & Hardware on WIN machines, we have no clue what has failed or is crashing or hanging the system.. pls use the following to know how to stress the WIN machine for their drivers and crash the PC.. and then diagnose the problem..

— microsoft documentation —

Driver Verifier is included in Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 to promote stability and reliability; you can use this tool to troubleshoot driver issues. Windows kernel-mode components can cause system corruption or system failures as a result of an improperly written driver, such as an earlier version of a Windows Driver Model (WDM) driver. This article describes how to use Driver Verifier to isolate and troubleshoot a driver in the system.

--- the process copy pasted from the forum on msdn ----

April 29, 2011

How to Provide Direct path to recording when using NFS Share folder on NAS

We have issues with providing direct path to folder in MXCC for the Camera Playback,  the playback is possible only through the camera and not direct path.. a video of the issue is uploaded at (password: demo1234) folder 'avi file for HQ'  file name  'M12-NFS issue when using direct path'.. 

April 22, 2011

How to Configure the WRT160 as OpenVPN Server PART IV

This quite simple

Install the openVPN for your OS and then disable the firewall for the TAP Win32 V9 in Windows and use IFConfig to disable the firewall on linux systems

How to Configure the WRT160 as OpenVPN Server PART III

Now we get to configure the second WRT160Nv3 as Clients

How to Configure the WRT160 as OpenVPN Server PART II

Configure the WRT160Nv3 as OpenVPN Server by following the following steps.

How to Configure the WRT160 as OpenVPN Server PART I

The following is for testing the features of a 50$ Router for the VPN tunnel.. and hence remote view of the MOBOTIX Camera using secure VPN Tunnel and without paying any Licence fee.

April 18, 2011

Download the images for VNP using WRT160N

You can download the images from
Its under the >MyFiles for Partners>VPN> GA for NAT Solution.pdf > page 5
Srikanth Kamath

How to Setup the MXCC Remote view for a Mobil Users

Dear All,

We had a project with 65 MX Camera which required to be view on a MXCC on Laptop which was traveling all over the world. The easy option was to create a NAT for each of the camera but this was not possible due to high cost of the Router which could handle 65 camera.

The alternate solution was to create a VPN Tunnel for the Road Warrior (Mobile Users).. this would require additional hardware at the site. the solution is as follows

April 10, 2011

VMWARE on MACBOOK Pro (APPLE & Its Efficiency)

Had Trouble getting the VMWare Fussion to bootup WIN7.. It kept report error saying insufficient memory.. after spending many hrs and days looking for the issue.. found the problem..

April 9, 2011

Why We Forget History; Short Memory

In the fast few days Anna Hazare has created history and opened a new chapter in India, is what i have heard and majority of Indians Believe that to be true.. 

By God this is a very very sad day because we fail to read history, such blackmail of democracy has never ever benefited the mass.. Pls kindly look back in India History.

The shut down o f Mills by Our Own George Fernandez in Mumbai, be it the cloth Mills or Coca Cola, was hailed as mass movement by a very very honest and clean George Fernandez, It was required at the time to help the mass, the mill workers..  the intent and purpose was very very clean and had no political color nor any motivation other than to help Mill Workers. 

But what the status today, these Mill have shut down and the Mill Owners are selling the land at HUGE Price, the system always work to the benefit of the have and never for have nots.

March 26, 2011

What Lens to use at what Distance

In the past few months, we have been working together trying to break into city surveillance and such related project. While providing demo (proof of concept) its was quite shocking to see that our colleagues in the Industries and ourself, unable to address the issue & concern from the Police Dept and the users.

To make easy the understanding of all the parameter's which influence the working of the Face or No Plate Recognition System, i have attached an xls file, using which you can work out the solution.. 

How to Compare the Min Lux Levels in the dataSheet of the Camera

Time and again this question is asked, if a 0.002 Lux Camera is better than a Camera with a Specification of 2Lux. This mail and Work `sheet is a attempt to address this.
The Pdf Attached provided the formula for the maths which proves which camera is better than the other for the similar light conditions and similar FPS. If you look at most data sheets the Min Lux level is mentioned as 0.65 Lux @ F1.0, what is not mentioned is the the following data
1. Reflectance of the test Subject
2. Shutter Speed Used
3. AGC used or Not
4. IRE at which the Lux Level was measured

March 5, 2011

How to Analyze the TCP/IP Network for IP Video Surveillance

Over the year i have worked as a system Integrator, later with the distributor and now at the OEM's.. and these are my observations

The system Integrators expectation from the OEM's to resolve the issues faced, helped each OEM's to squarely blame the other for the problems.. by pointing out the immediate cause for the trouble but not analyzing the full issue and concerns. HOW CAN the SI or WHAT MUST the SI Do in such a situation?

March 1, 2011

People Counting Application using the VM1 & VM2 long with IP Notifications

This application was written to demonstrate the use of IP Notify to Count the events triggered. The setup of Alarm Notification (Message 1 and Message 2).

download the files from

People Counting Using IP

pls email to tsk.kamath(at) for the application or the source code

February 13, 2011

How To Decide The Nos Of Disk on The NAS Or Storage Server Should Have

After working for a Year and studying the various method used by SI to Size a NAS and also noticing the problems they face. I have documented the following
The parameters that are essential for Selecting the NAS or Storage server
The normal process is to use the storage calc and find the total TB for total Nos of Camera and then study the spec of the NAS for the TB of storage.. The difficulty with this approach is that some NAS perform as required and most do not.. We end up blaming the NAS for non Performance but fail to understand that we have sized the NAS incorrectly..
The important param which is very very clear from the various post on the Internet on storage calculations is IOPS.. Unfortunately there is no documentation on this for Video surveillance.
I shall attempt to do so.. pls kindly note I am not an expert in Storage and have no great experience with the various NAS available in the Market.
All expert on storage are welcome to point out any error or technical issues with my documentations