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April 29, 2012

AppleScript to Sort the Address Book and Clean the Mess

My Old post to sort the Address Book on MAC for Duplicates and Corrupt Data was with AppleScript which was not quite efficient and fast, hence rewrote the whole script.

The Script does not delete nor modify any data, hence its safe to use, however i suggest that you should backup the database. the "SortAddressBook Advance 2.0.1RC" does the following

1. Make the following Groups based on Names
"USER Duplicate Names" --> all Contact are sorted on the full Name ie First Name + Last Name
"USER Duplicate First Name" --> all Contact are sorted on the first Name
"USER No Last Name" --> all Contacts with No Last Name are sorted
"USER No Names" --> All Contact with No First and Last Name

2. Make the following Groups based on Email ID's
"USER Duplicate Email Id's" --> all Contact are sorted on the email and list the Id with Same Email ID's
"USER InCorrect Email" --> all Email Id's are checked for proper format of Email ID's..
"USER Only Phone Numbers --> all Contacts without Phone Numbers are listed in this Group

3. Make the following Groups based on Phone Numbers
"USER Duplicate Phone Numbers" --> all Contact are sorted on the Phone and list the Id with Same Phone Numbers
"USER InCorrect Phone" --> all Phone are checked for proper format..
"USER Only Email Id's --> all Contacts without Email Id's are listed in this Group

to download the Script pls click on the following links

all three features : SortAddressBook Advance 1.0.2RC.scpt:
only 1 features : AddressBookSort Name Only Ver 1.0.1.scpt:

for any help pls email me tsk(dot)kamath(at)gmail(dot)com